
ZENIQ Announces Conclusion of Successful Business Collaboration

ZENIQ Announces Conclusion of Successful Business Collaboration

Coinscribble – August 4th, 2023 – Partners with ZENIQ, His Highness Sheikh Saeed bin Hasher Al Maktoum and Mr. Solaiman Al-Rifai, have announced their decision to end their commercial relationship. This monumental declaration marks the end of a prosperous era marked by extraordinary accomplishments, expansion, and partnership.

H.H. Sheikh Saeed bin Hasher Al Maktoum and Mr. Solaiman Al-Rifai have enjoyed working with ZENIQ for the past two years. Since its inception, the organization’s evolution and expansion have been quite amazing. The collaboration overcame obstacles, toasted their victories, and paved the way to more success. Everyone’s hard work, and dedication made a huge difference in making the organization what it is today.

In saying goodbye, the collaboration sends its warmest wishes to the remaining partners and the ZENIQ community for continued success in advancing the ZENIQ platform.

The end of their collaboration in the business world provides a chance for each of them to pursue other avenues of development and expansion.

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