
Robert Kiyosaki: ‘Save Gold, Silver & Bitcoin’ Instead of the Dollar

Popular businessman and author best known for his bestselling book ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ published in 1997, has given his opinion on the world’s current financial situation. Instead of saving funds in dollars, the author believes that Bitcoin is one of the best ways to preserve wealth.

Taking to Twitter, Kiyosaki pretty much lambasted the dollar and the system controlling the currency. In the tweet posted on April 2, he points out that the dollar basically became debt back in 1971 and since then, it has not helped the world’s overall wealth. Instead, he believes that the dollar makes the poor and middle-class a lot poorer and makes the rich a lot richer.

Lesson 5. DEBT. 1971 Dollar became DEBT. Debt makes RICH richer. Debt makes POOR & MC poorer. IF US Debt to GDP ratio 60% world sound. Today US Debt to GDP 110% and climbing. US bankrupt. Debt, dollar, greed destroying lives & world economy VERY SAD. Save gold, silver & Bitcoin.

— therealkiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki) April 2, 2020

Kiyosaki adds that the United States is bankrupt with its debt to GDP at 110% and rising higher, also throwing his weight behind alternative assets. He ends the tweet saying:

“Debt, dollar, greed destroying lives & world economy VERY SAD. Save gold, silver & Bitcoin.”

In an earlier tweet on April 1, the businessman had pointed out a problem with the current monetary system that many other people seem to have a problem with. To save the financial market from a worse crisis especially as COVID-19 continues to spread, the Federal Reserve injected trillions of dollars into the market. Kiyosaki thinks that points to too much manipulation.

Preaching that saving money is a terrible idea, he points out that it is useless to save fiat when the Fed can continue its “counterfeiting” by “printing trillions of fake dollars.” He then shifts attention to alternative assets as well, preaching the gospel of gold and Bitcoin.

“Save gold – god’s money or Bitcoin – people’s money.”

Kiyosaki has been somewhat bullish on Bitcoin for a while. In a 2017 tweet when asked if he believes whether Bitcoin has a future, he responded saying he thinks the asset “could change the world economy.”

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