One month on, a Redditor who “lost” 4 Bitcoin on the Lightning Network says the community offered “huge support,” helping him recover...
Bitcoin’s May 2020 block reward halving won’t affect price, says Morgan Creek
Cryptocurrency exchange Binance launches four trading pairs against the Russian ruble including Bitcoin, Ether, XRP and Binance Coin
P2P Bitcoin marketplace Paxful breaks new all-time-high in weekly traded volume as LocalBitcoins sees a shakier trend
Vertcoin hackers fail to steal more as Bittrex closes down wallet
A Litecoin Foundation-funded developer at Grin suggests a solution for fixing the “Achilles heel of Mimblewimble privacy”
The South African Reserve Bank will reportedly introduce new rules on cryptocurrencies to deter users from evading currency controls
Decentralized exchange CryptoBridge shuts down due to purported market conditions and regulatory pressure
SoftBank developed a debit card featuring a built-in blockchain wallet for crypto storage
During the spectacular bull run of 2017, crypto investors that missed the bitcoin train got in altcoins with the hope that their...