The SEC describes Telegram’s request as “legally meritless,” arguing that the ruling unambiguously applies to “any person or entity”
Voatz’s bug bounty program has been booted from HackerOne, ostensibly because Voatz reported a researcher to the FBI
BC Group revealed that its OSL digital assets trading platform had been its largest 2019 earner, accounting for 44% of the Group’s...
Major car manufacturer BMW Group is moving forward with a blockchain solution for managing complex supply chains
The IRS has already changed some important payment deadlines and started crucial initiatives to help taxpayers. Will it help to win the...
The virtual world of Decentraland plays host to the Coinfest Conference this week, which was forced to relocate due to the COVID-19...
Bitcoin will take miner resources away from Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV next month, but the picture is far from rosy, warns...
Blockchain development firm Bitfury is diverting its computational resources to a distributed computing research effort to combat COVID-19
GlobalX connects global crypto exchanges for institutional investors. Is this a crypto broker?
After facing multiple delays, Russia’s lawmakers again postpone pending major cryptocurrency law, now due to the coronavirus