Sure, Bitcoin’s Price Is Cool, but Bitcoin’s Technology Is Hot Yahoo Finance
When Will Bitcoin Hit $25,000? Yahoo Finance
A reporter spent 10 bitcoins on a sushi dinner for dozens of strangers in 2013. Those coins are worth $230000 today. Business Insider
Another institutional financier has come out with a bold Bitcoin prediction.
Improving fundamentals and fresh product rollouts are attracting new investors to Kusama, Decred and Qtum.
The working group sends a strong signal that cryptocurrencies are becoming a permanent fixture in the global financial system.
“A DAO is merely a formalizing of very deep and instinctive human bonds that I think have been suppressed.”
“No matter how much BTC fans want to pretend that it’s a hedge against doomsday scenarios, it is not.”
A research firm’s head recently claimed Bitcoin’s capped supply could be changed.
“There is a distinct possibility that we may see some days of 250% gains, or even more.”